Featured: The Five Love Languages Bible Study
During this season’s focus on romantic love, how about learning how to have a marriage so awesome that every day is a bit like Valentine’s Day?
Discover the secret to love that lasts with The Five Love Languages Bible Study Book with Video Access. This study designed for couples or small groups combines Gary Chapman’s classic teaching on the five love languages with engaging Bible study, practical questions, and personal exercises to help you and your spouse walk together through a discovery of each of the five love languages—words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, and physical touch.
As you learn how best to show and receive love in your marriage, you’ll be encouraged through 7 teaching videos featuring Dr. Gary Chapman and filmed before a live audience. In the videos, Dr. Chapman helps you identify your personal love language. He also helps you understand the love language of your spouse. He then provides practical suggestions for enriching your marriage by practicing the other love languages.
- 7 weeks of study for couples and groups
- Leader helps, including question guides and prompts for small group discussion
- Interactive love language profile
- 7 teaching videos, approximately 15–35 minutes per session, available via redemption code printed in the Bible study book for individual streaming access
- Equip couples to learn to speak the language of love.
- Discover each of the five love languages as you learn how to best express love for your spouse.
- Grow spiritually as you dig deeper into Scripture and expand your understanding of God’s design for love in marriage.
- Develop and implement practical, purposeful marriage strategies.
Video Sessions:
- Session 1: Learning to Speak Love (34:48)—People speak different love languages, and seldom do a husband and wife have the same primary emotional love language. You must be willing to learn your spouse’s primary love language if you are to be an effective communicator of love. This session covers a brief overview of the five love languages, takes the five love languages profile, and discovers how to use the profile.
- Session 2: Words of Affirmation (14:47)—Verbal compliments are powerful communicators of love. Learn how to speak words of affirmation, encouragement, kindness, and humbleness to the person whose love language is words of affirmation.
- Session 3: Quality Time (18:54)—Quality time means giving someone your undivided attention, and a central aspect of quality time is togetherness. Spending time together in a common pursuit communicates that you and your spouse care about each other, enjoy being with each other, and that you like to do things together.
- Session 4: Receiving Gifts (18:24)—Gifts are visual symbols of love. To the person whose primary love language is receiving gifts, the cost of the gift will matter little. The worth of the gift has little to do with monetary value and everything to do with love.
- Session 5: Acts of Service (12:10)—Doing simple chores around the house can be an undeniable expression of love. It requires thought, planning, time, effort, and energy. If done with an positive spirit, they are indeed expressions of love.
- Session 6: Physical Touch (18:18)—Physical touch is a powerful vehicle for communicating marital love, and for some individuals, physical touch is their primary love language. Without it, they feel unloved. With it, their emotional tank is filled, and they feel secure in the love of their spouse.
- Session 7: Growing in Love (36:24)—We’ve been led to believe that if we are really in love, it will last forever. But true love cannot begin until the in love experience has run its course. If we learn to meet each other’s deep, emotional need to feel loved and choose to do so, then the love we share will be exciting beyond anything we ever felt when we were infatuated.
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